JEITA  CP-3451 - 15 - 4.6.3   Exif-specific IFD A.    Exif IFD Exif IFD is a set of tags for recording Exif-specific attribute information. It is pointed to by the offset from the TIFF header (Value Offset) indicated by an Exif private tag value. Exif IFD Pointer Tag = 34665 (8769.H) Type = LONG Count = 1 Default = none A  pointer  to  the  Exif  IFD.  Interoperability,  Exif  IFD  has  the  same  structure  as  that  of  the  IFD  specified  in  TIFF. Ordinarily, however, it does not contain image data as in the case of TIFF. B.    GPS IFD GPS IFD is a set of tags for recording GPS information. It is pointed to by the offset from the TIFF header (Value Offset) indicated by a GPS private tag value. GPS Info IFD Pointer Tag = 34853 (8825.H) Type = LONG Count = 1 Default = none A pointer to the GPS Info IFD. The Interoperability structure of the GPS Info IFD, like that of Exif IFD, has no image data. C.    Interoperability IFD Interoperability IFD is composed of tags which stores the information to ensure the Interoperability and pointed by the following tag located in Exif IFD. Interoperability IFD Pointer Tag = 40965 (A005.H) Type = LONG Count = 1 Default = None The Interoperability structure of Interoperability IFD is same as TIFF defined IFD structure but does not contain the image data characteristically compared with normal TIFF IFD.