JEITA  CP-3451 - 131 - F.3 Converting to Flashpix Extensions (APP2) The extended data recorded in APP2 marker segments can be converted readily to Flashpix extensions. First of all, Figure 56 shows the conversion process when APP2 is recorded as one Interoperability per stream of data. An area with data size of 8000.H, Default value 00.H is allocated to the stream name "/¥005MyPropertySet" (¥005 means 005.H) in the Flashpix file Structured Storage structure, and the stream data recorded in APP2-2 is copied to offset 00000000.H, that is, the start of the allocated area. ¥005MyPropertySet Offset 0x00000000 Full Flashpix Stream Data size 0x8000 Stream data Source image Object Source image Object FlashPix root Flashpix root Default value 0x00 Number of Entry = 1 Default value = 0x00 Data size = 0x8000 Contents List Offset = 0x00000000 Stream data Index = 0x00 APP2-1 APP2-2 Exif Stream data Path “/¥005MyPropertySet” ¥005MyPropertySet Figure 56 Conversion to Flashpix Extensions (1)   Next, Figure 57 shows the conversion process when one Interoperability per two streams of data is recorded in APP2. This   time   an   area   with   data   size   of   10000.H,   Default   value   00.H   is   allocated   to   the   stream   name "/¥005MyPropertySet" in the Flashpix file Structured Storage structure, and the stream data recorded in APP2-2 is copied to offset 00000000.H, that is, the start of the allocated area, while the stream data recorded in APP2-3 is copied starting from offset 00008000.H.