JEITA  CP-3451 - 107 - Offset (Hex) Name Data (Hex or "ASCII") 05FA GPSLatitude Value 230000000100000030000000010000000800000001000000 0612 GPSLongitude Value 8B0000000100000022000000010000003700000001000000 062A GPSAltitude Value E80B000064000000 0632 GPSTimeStamp Value 000000000100000000000000010000000000000001000000 064A GPSSatellites Value (Last Byte is padded) "2,7,14,15,16"0000 0658 GPSDOP Value 0100000001000000 0660 GPSSpeed Value 0000000001000000 0668 GPSTrack Value 0000000001000000 0670 GPSImgDirection Value 0000000001000000 Value longer than 4 Bytes of   GPS IFD 0678 GPSMapDatum Value "TOKYO"00 Offset (Hex) Name Interoperability Number (Hex) 067E Number Of Interoperability 0F00 Offset (Hex) Name Tag ID (Hex) Type (Hex) Count (Hex) ValueOffset (Hex or "ASCII") 0680 ImageWidth 0001 0400 01000000 50000000 068C ImageLength 0101 0400 01000000 3C000000 0698 BitsPerSample 0201 0300 03000000 38070000 06A4 Compression 0301 0300 01000000 01000000 06B0 PhotometricInterpretation 0601 0300 01000000 06000000 06BC StripOffsets 1101 0400 01000000 4E070000 06C8 SamplesPerPixel 1501 0300 01000000 03000000 06D4 RowsPerStrip 1601 0400 01000000 3C000000 06E0 StripByteCounts 1701 0400 01000000 80250000 06EC XResolution 1A01 0500 01000000 3E070000 06F8 YResolution 1B01 0500 01000000 46070000 0704 PlanarConfiguration 1C01 0300 01000000 01000000 0710 ResolutionUnit 2801 0300 01000000 02000000 071C YCbCrSubSampling 1202 0300 02000000 02000100 0728 YCbCrPositioning 1302 0300 01000000 02000000 Offset (Hex) Name Offset (Hex) 1st IFD 0734 Next IFD Offset 00000000 Offset (Hex) Name Data (Hex or "ASCII") 0738 BitPerSample Value 080008000800 073E XResolution Value 4800000001000000 0746 YResolution Value 4800000001000000 Value longer than 4byte of   1st IFD 074E (Thumbnail Image Data Strip) Offset (Hex) Name Data (Hex or "ASCII") 2CCE Image Data Strip0 : 4FCE Image Data Strip1 : : : : : : : Primary Image Data 0978CE Image Data Strip68 :