JEITA  CP-3451 - 97 - Address Offset Code Meaning Code Meaning (Hex) (Hex) (Hex) +00 4C 65 +01 49 76 +02 53 65 +03 54 "LIST" (ckID) 72 "ever" (ckID) +04 26 04 +05 00 00 +06 00 00 +07 00 00000026.H (ckSize) 00 0000000A.H (ckSize) +08 65 +09 78 +0A 69 +0B 66 "exif" (listType) "0200" (ckData) 65 +0C ever-ck (12 Bytes) 72 65 6C "erel" (ckID) +1E erel-ck (22 Bytes) 0D 00 00 00 000000D.H (ckSize) "DSC00001.JPG" Z (ckData) Figure 50 exif List Structure and Typical Coding 5.7    Data Description 5.7.1   File Naming Stipulation The  file  name  and  characters  used  for  file  names  are  not  specified,  other  than  to  stipulate  the  use  of  ASCII alphanumerics.  (File  names  in  Japanese  or  other  character  sets  are  not  to  be  used.)  File  names  shall  be  8 characters or fewer, not including the extension. (Long file names are not to be used.) The file extension is ".WAV" (to match the WAVE Form Audio File extension) regardless of the audio data format type. 5.7.2   Typical Exif Audio File Typical Exif Audio File Figure 51 shows the configuration of a typical Exif audio file.   The shaded parts of Figure 51 are the mandatory elements of an Exif audio file. The hatching (fact-ck only) means that this chunk is not required if the audio data is PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) format, but is mandatory for all non-PCM formats (m-Law, IMA-ADPCM), etc. The non-shaded elements are optional.