JEITA  CP-3451 - 95 - time  is  recorded  in  the  format  "hour:minute:second.subsecond,"  with  a  colon  in  between  each  time  unit  and  a period before the subsecond position.   Hour,  minute  and  second  are  written  as  two  digits  each,  with  the  first  digit  a  zero  if  the  value  is  one  digit. Subseconds may be expressed to any desired decimal place. If there is no subsecond information, the string ends with a period only. The order of time units is hour, minute, second, subsecond. The information is written as an ASCII string, so it shall be terminated with NULL. Recording this information is optional. Ex.)    "10:05:10.130"Z     ecor Records   the   name   of   the   manufacturer   of   the   equipment   on   which   the   Exif   audio   file   was   created.   The manufacturer name is written in an ASCII string and terminated with NULL. Recording this information is optional. Ex.)    "Digital Still Camera Corporation"Z emdl Records the model name of the equipment on which the Exif audio file was created. The model name is written in an ASCII string and terminated with NULL. Recording this information is optional. Ex.)    "DSCamera1000"Z emnt As with Exif image files, this chunk is used by the writer manufacturer to record design information, version history and  other  maker-specific  information.  The  contents  and  format  of  the  information  are  up  to  each  manufacturer. Other manufacturers see this information only as a byte array of the size determined by the chunk size ( ckSize). Recording this information is optional. eucm Records user comment information that cannot be recorded on, or is not suitable for, the INFO list. Basically this is text information. Character code information is included so languages that do not use ASCII may be used here. Recording this chunk is optional.   Recording of user comments is discussed below. The structure of the user comment chunk is shown in Figure 49. Address Offset Code Meaning Meaning (Hex) (Hex) +00 65 +01 75 +02 63 +03 6D "eucm" (ckID) Character code (8 Bytes) +04 ckSize (4 Bytes) +08 ckData [ckSize] (user comment) User Comments