JEITA CP-3451 - 90 - The INFO list chunks currently defined are given in Table 29. These pre-registered chunks are stored as ASCII text strings terminated by NULL (the final byte is '00.H'). Table 29 INFO List Chunks Channel ID Description IARL Archival Location. Indicates where the subject of the file is archived. IART Artist. Lists the artist of the original subject of the file.   ICMS Commissioned. Lists the name of the person or organization that commissioned the subject of the file. ICMT Comments. Provides general comments about the file or the subject of the file.     ICOP Copyright. Records the copyright information for the file. ICRD Creation date. Indicates the date the subject of the file was created.     ICRP Cropped. Indicates whether an image has been cropped     IDIM Dimensions. Specifies the size of the original subject of the file.     IDPI Dots Per Inch. Stores the dots per inch (DPI) setting of the digitizer used to produce the file.   IENG Engineer. Stores the name of the engineer who worked on the file. IGNR Genre. Describes the genre of the original work.   IKEY Keywords. Provides a list of keywords that refer to the file or subject of the file. ILGT Lightness.  Describes  the  changes  in  lightness  settings  on  the  digitizer  required  to produce the file. IMED Medium.  Describes  the  original  subject  of  the  file,  such  as,  "computer  image," "drawing," "lithograph," and so forth. INAM Name. Stores the title of the subject of the file. IPLT Palette Setting. Specifies the number of colors requested when digitizing an image. IPRD Product. Specifies the name of the title the file was originally intended for, such as "Encyclopedia of Pacific Northwest Geography." ISBJ Subject. Describes the file contents, such as "Aerial view of Seattle."   ISFT Software. Identifies the name of the software package used to create the file. ISHP Sharpness. Identifies the changes in sharpness for the digitizer required to produce the file. ISRC Source. Identifies the name of the person or organization who supplied the original subject of the file. ISRF Source Form. Identifies the original form of the material that was digitized, such as "slide," "paper," "map," and so forth.     ITCH Technician. Identifies the technician who digitized the subject file.