JEITA CP-3451 - 48 - 0 = Sea level 1 = Sea level reference (negative value) Other = reserved GPSAltitude   Indicates the altitude based on the reference in GPSAltitudeRef. Altitude is expressed as one RATIONAL value. The reference unit is meters.   Tag = 6 (6.H) Type = RATIONAL Count = 1 Default = none GPSTimeStamp Indicates  the  time  as  UTC  (Coordinated  Universal  Time).  TimeStamp  is  expressed  as  three  RATIONAL  values giving the hour, minute, and second. Tag = 7 (7.H) Type = RATIONAL Count = 3 Default = none GPSSatellites Indicates the GPS satellites used for measurements. This tag can be used  to describe the number of satellites, their  ID  number,  angle  of  elevation,  azimuth,  SNR  and  other  information  in  ASCII  notation.  The  format  is  not specified. If the GPS receiver is incapable of taking measurements, value of the tag shall be set to NULL.   Tag = 8 (8.H) Type = ASCII Count = Any Default = none GPSStatus Indicates the status of the GPS receiver when the image is recorded. 'A' means measurement is in progress, and 'V' means the measurement is Interoperability. Tag = 9 (9.H) Type = ASCII Count = 2 Default = none 'A' = Measurement in progress 'V' = Measurement Interoperability Other = reserved GPSMeasureMode Indicates the GPS measurement mode. '2' means two-dimensional measurement and '3' means three-dimensional measurement is in progress. Tag = 10 (A.H) Type = ASCII Count = 2