JEITA CP-3451 - 94 - [Information items and chunks] ever   Records the version information (number) of this standard. As with Exif image files, it is recorded in 4 bytes. The address bytes are recorded as A1, A2, B1, B2, starting with the lowest number. A1 and A2 store the upper part of the standard version, with the lower part stored in B1 and B2. A1,  A2,  B1  and  B2  are  ASCII  numerals  giving  the  version  number,  but  NULL  termination  is  unnecessary.  This chunk is mandatory. On the conventions for version number updating, see section 5.2. Ex.)    "0200"    (Note: =Version 2.00) erel Records information pointing to an Exif image file related to the Exif audio file recorded in this chunk. Recording this information makes it possible for a camera or application software to map an image to sound during playback.   The relational information consists of the name of the corresponding Exif image file, given as an 8-character file name  plus  3-character  extension  in  ASCII  format.  The  path  is  not  written.  Stipulations  on  images  are  given  in section 4.6.5. File naming rules are covered in section 0. The mapping of Exif image files and audio files is done in any of the three ways shown in Table 30. If multiple files are mapped to one file as in [2] or [3] of Table 30, the above format is used to record just one destination file name. If there are multiple destination files, the first recorded file is given. In the case of [2] in Table 30, for the Exif audio file "SND00001.WAV" only "DSC00001.JPG" is given as the related image file. When there are three Exif image files "DSC00001.JPG," "DSC00002.JPG" and "DSC00003.JPG," the related  Exif  audio  file  name  for  each  of  them,  "SND00001.WAV,"  is  indicated.  By  combining  multiple  relational information, a variety of playback possibilities can be supported. The method of using relational information is left to the implementation on the playback side. Since this information is an ASCII character string, it is terminated by NULL. If there is a related Exif image file, this chunk is mandatory.   Ex.)    "DSC00001.JPG"Z   Table 30 Mapping between Image and Audio Files Relationship Exif Image File Exif Audio File [1] 1 to 1 DSC00001.JPG   SND00001.WAV   [2] Many to 1 DSC00001.JPG   DSC00002.JPG   DSC00003.JPG   SND00001.WAV   [3] 1 to many DSC00001.JPG   SND00001.WAV   SND00002.WAV   SND00003.WAV   etim Records the time of Exif audio file creation. This is defined as the time the recording of audio data was started. Time is expressed as a variable-length ASCII string. In order to conform as closely as possible to the Exif image file,