Juste en passant...
Je viens de me rendre compte qu'il m'etait impossible de me connecté à ALTME ...

A moins d'un probleme technique, je pense que j'ai été banni de ce monde---

De plus en plus ridicul... au lieu de me bannir ils feraient mieux de produir leur fameux RMA-r3GUI.
Triste qu'ils en soient arrivés là...

...on récolte ce qu'on sème.
clair j'aurai mieux fait de spammer des messages de proselitisme religieux. J'aurai pas été banni :P

Reste que ca fait un an et qu'il y a plus rien de chez rien coté REBOL depuis un bout de temps.

La réponse qui consiste a bannir un gars plus du tout interessé je vois pas trop où ca les mènent. Sont toujours pas capable de produire leur GUI...
...a bannir un gars plus du tout interessé...

==> Un gars qui est au cinéma et qui n'aime pas le film : il sort de la salle et il va faire autre chose !
S'il reste dans la salle pour crier "C'est nul !" pendant 3 plombes : il finira par se faire jeter par les autres spectateurs.

Je le redit : c'est triste ... on récolte ce qu'on sème.
la liberté c'est justement de pouvoir dire que c'est nul quand ca l'est que ca te dèrange ou pas c'est la même chose. Qu'est ce que ceux qui aime le film font de plus constructif?

Ben ils sont allez dans la salle d'a cotè en catimini font semblant d'aimer le premier film tout en regardant quand meme autre chose.

L'analogie du film mon bon DideC a cette limite que le film tu es pas sensé jouer dedans ni le mettre en scène c'est un produit fini qui est livré au spectateur que ca lui plaise ou non ...

Rebol a cet aspect il est vrai mais recement a force de justement gueuler la communauté rebol a eu quelques liberté pour intervenir dans la conception de rebol. Probleme les Gurus on fait le menage dans les bonnes volontés et ils se sont retrouver avec leur propre projet qui n'a jamais depassé le stade de ce qu'avait produit Carl Sassenrath avant le outsourcing.

maintenant moi je l'ai dit des le depart je ne bosse pas sur r3gui qui est une semi boite noir avec un gros blob binaire ca va a l'encontre de la LGPL deja pour commencé,
Et sans cette garamtie de gratuité de l'usage de la diffusion du produit fini et des codes sources je vois pas comment des gens pourraient etre interresser et investir leur temps dedans. Et c'est a mon avis un avis partagé par la plus part la preuve est qu'en un an il n'y a pas de r3GUI/RMA alors qu'il avait fallut 2 mois a Ashley trûter pour seul produir l'esquice de RebGUI.
Autre fait important pour ce tenir au courant de ce qu'il se passe ou pas dans le monde rebol c'est sur altme que ca se passe etre ejecté en douce d'altme me prive de la réjouissante vision d'un eco systeme mourrant qui fait semblant que tout va bien

Donc sur altme 60 personnes actives -1 :P
a quand mon banissement de rebelBB je suis certain que greg va nous inclure cette fonctionalité si vous lui demander gentillement..

La liberté d'expression de nos jours c'est surtout la liberté de trouver tout fantastique ou de se taire... Tout avis contraire tout avis divergeant est montrée du doigt écarté et mis au banc des accusé.
et pour ceux qui diraient on ne t'as pas vu proposer "une alternative" Cf mon avis sur le blob binaire de r3gui etc..
je vous invite a relire ceci ... je pense que c'est a méditer pour rebol... Rebol est mort ... la rebolution a fait un flop c'est un fait maintenant que proposez vous?

Oh dernier point comme mon banissement c'est fait en douce et que personne ne l'a remarqué (d'une part parce que vous en avez rien a foutre ... mais aussi parce que ca ne se voit pas techniquement sur ALTME, vu que mon banissement a consister a simplement changer mon mot de passe .. car techniquement ou le banissement n'existe pas dans altme.)

Qui me dit que les 500 autres personnes qui sont silencieuses depuis des années maintenant sur altme n'ont pas subit le même sort? Le fait qu'ils ne soient pas venu se plaindre?
Oups ... Commenter la méthode employer pour se passer de mes commentaires accerbes mais juste sur altme ca va rendre mon banissement de rebelbb plus facile.

For a language born in the us, where freedom of expression is guaranteed, it's pathetic they've blocked your access thus censoring your comments. remind me of the days where critics like alexander soljenitsin and andrei sakharov were victimized for telling things as they are.

the reality shadwolf ... a lot of the things you say, is what a lot of people think. However you being more vocal, they'll pick on you.

as far as my postings go here, I too believe that rebol is not worth any energy any more, 10 years down the road, you will still be with the same problems you've have had in the last decade.

They always say history repeats and you have a bunch of people who have dug their heads in the sand refusing to see the reality. Just like Hitler and his inner circle still thinking he was going to win the war, when his generals and soldiers on the fields have already recognized they will lose, and Gadhafi, and his few lackeys still thinking he could hold on to power. Same thing applies to Rebol.

and I walk the talk, I have dropped rebol as indicated in one of my previous posts. I am waiting for RED to come out.

@shad with all the talent and experience you have, better help create a better alternative i.e RED.
wet_wet_wet one of the great french philosopher named Voltaire said this "I'm not agree with you but I will fight my best to allow you to express yourself". This is exactly the kind of guts people like now in day they have no belief no passion and that's way they let slowly decay rebol.

you know banning in my back without a real telling me or announcement is only the consequence not of my acts like said DideC but the concequence of people having talked big produced nothing worth and that don't like to be put in front there responsabilities and that people came to ask for counts.

They have the community they shaped they made those past 5 years their most possible to be noticed and trusted by Carl doing cleaning by void, So now they are fully in charge and nothing is done ... REbol is at it´s worst and there is no finding a way out...
I will remind everyone here that some years ago we had a pretty persistant rebol hater comming here to lie about rebol etc... Did we banished him no ? to all his arguments we gived patiently counter aguments one by one showing that yes rebol could be worth something ... but that was the era before r3 ... and since then it's hard to said rebol is flawless so as they can't contradict my saying they shutme down the coward and easy way. and they are not the less bit ashamed about it.
Wet-WET-WET unlike all those creepy crawlers that lurk in the dark anonymously I will give you the name of the guy responsible for my eviction Reichart he is the only admin right granted that is actually still paying attention to rebol world. Now if you confront him I bet he will not assum his act and says the order came from Carl Mighty God Himself in all his Hollyness.

But still is that a solution to make rebol be something more than a farce?
you can't say I was persistant in my attacks since I only came once in a while to notice that less and less things around rebol was done.
Wet_WET_WET what changed this decade from past decade is essential ... CARL LEFT THE BOAT ... NO CAPTAIN CARL NO BOAT PLAIN AND SIMPLE... now just compare the projects Rebgui and r3gui how they where handle and the interest they generated around them. r3gui is supposed to be our master piece community produced to show to carl that yes he can go to the hell he wants the community will make rebol go further without him. and doing a side project like red in that perspective is like the acknolegement from this community that they failed and don't give a damn anymore
ldci desole de geindre mais met toi deux seconde a ma place tu reagirais comment au fait que tes efforts ne mene a rien d'autre que ton banissement sans qu'on ai le respect minimum de te dire ecoute a partir du tant tu es bannir pour cette raison?
wetx3 in life being responsible is taking the risk to not please everyone telling the things as you feel them as you live them and say that it's wrong when it's wrong.

The problem in our society is that people have no guts. They see bad things and they turn their sight of them and

alot of people thinks like me ? but who now will stand up and say my banishment is over board ? What actions will be taken to allow freedom of respectous speach in an american hosted forum like tool ?
wetx3 if no one say out loud the situation is critical and that we need to act not for our own egos but for the REBOL future then obviously the illusion that all is going for the greatest in the best possible world will be preserved ... see the intervention of LDCI ... people (who?) does greaat things (what?) with REBOL (which rebol?) everyday ... in short why do I complain?

I don't hate ldci ... and I'm sure he knows it I like his dedication to rebol is ingeniuty the amazing talks we had back in the days the solutions he came with ... but can he really say that this is what is rebol is like now in day ?
and the fact that he push me toward red is the sign he acknowledge implicitly that rebol is dead so he is one of the people thinking like me but having too much bound to rebol to explicitly say that rebol is not surviving this one.
now ask me ... If I had to create a rebol full serrious productive company who are the people I would hire...

didec, dockimble, steeve, ldci, olivier auverlot (even if he is the discret kind those past days), maxime, Coccinelle, Gabriele santilli and oldes (even if he is been an ass with me lately), ashley truter

Do you see there any RMA people ? nope ... why i choosed those people cause I know that they will handle the task I give them and work their best to acheive it ...
Why those people around leading r3gui or anything around rebol cause they all consider rebol is not worth the effort. I wish them the best with red ... unfortunatly I will not participate til I don't have a purpose to it ...
oh and most of all those people listed above are always comming with brilliant ideas ... things that amaze you and make you say damn I wish I was that clever ... this is the kind people that make things go further...

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