JDBC server?
I came across a mention of a Java JDBC server to allow Linux apps access DB2 databases that was written by Olivier Auverlot.

Is that available anywhere?

All the download links at http://www.auverlot.fr/index.php?perma=1228078779 are broken.
Bonjour Graham,

Tu parles du paragraphe "Interfacer Rebol et JDBC" page 200 du livre d'Olivier Auverlot, "Rebol programmation" (Editions "Coming Next") ?
Si c'est cela, il s'agit d'une petite classe JAVA "jdbcbridge" qui ouvre une socket, et attend des connections d'un client Rebol via un protocole léger "jdbc" dérivé de "root-protocol". Sur chaque connection, la classe JAVA déclenche un thread qui exécute la requête SQL passée en paramètre. Le résulset est ensuite transmis au client Rebol.
Moi, je l'ai implémenté au boulot sur Windows en accédant à une base DB2 sous Unix. Comme c'est du JAVA, ça devrait tourner parfaitement sur Linux. Je peux t'envoyer le code par email, mais lundi. Ou alors, quelqu'un le fera peut-être entre temps.

La version 2.7.7 de Rebol introduisant ODBC ne fonctionne pas avec LinuxODBC ou UnixODBC (http://www.unixodbc.org/ ), c'est que sous Windows ?
Ca serait pas mal pourtant, on pourrait accéder à n'importe quelle base sous Windows, Linux, Unix.

A bientôt.
Yes, but even if I had the book, as it is in French, I doubt I would be able to understand!

So, this is like the odbc socket server except it uses jdbc. And yes, I'd be interested to get the code ... I want to be able to access databases on linux other than Oracle or Mysql!

RT never implemented ODBC on Linux. I talked to Carl about this several years ago, and recently, and he was under the impression that there were too many flavours. But it seems there's only UnixODBC/LinuxODBC now ... but whether he can find the time or will to implement it is a different matter.
HI Graham
There is a translation in english that can be found at www.lulu.com

Rebol - A programmer's guide
By Olivier Auverlot, By Peter William Alfred Wood

Discover the power of the REBOL language with this very practical book. After a short introduction to programming REBOL, it shows you how to start developing graphical user interfaces and network programming (both TCP/IP programming and web development). The book introduces some of the most advanced technologies of this language, such as project management, the use of databases and XML, encryption techniques, and development under the REBOL/IOS collaboration system. More information available on www.auverlot.fr


The translated book is the second ( or third one ). I don't think a translation was ever done of the first book.
Sorry Graham, I don't know why I've replied in french.
I'm at work right now. If you give me an email address, I can send you the code (JAVA class "jdbcbridge" + Rebol protocol + Rebol test script).
No probs, the google translator does a great job

I'm on gmail, and I'm compkarori .. thanks,
I've sent to you the Rebol - JDBC Bridge package by email.

Let me know if it works or not, if you encounter any issue.
Got it .. thanks.

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